On Thursday June 20th, Dan Brooks was installed as the Patchogue Lions Club's 75th President. Dan takes over the helm from Lion Ron Tremblay who serves as the Club President from 2023-2024. The Installation Banquet was held at the Patchogue Fire Department with Past President Bob Silver serving as Master of Ceremonies.
The 2024-2025 slate of officers are: President Dan Brooks, 1st Vice President William Joyce, Jr., 2nd Vice President John Vitiello, Corresponding Secretary Peter Feehan, Treasurer Tom Ferb, Recording Secretary Bob Silver, Lion Tamer Greg LaGarenne, and Tail Twister Dan King.
We would like to thank Immediate Past President Ron Tremblay on a very successful year and President Dan Brooks on an upcoming successful year. We would also like to thank the Directors and Members for all the hard work they put into making this club what it is, giving back to the community in a big way.